About us

The SAEE aims to meet new challenges in the field of energy policy and economics. Assessment, understanding and problem solving is supported through various ways:

  • Development and maintenance of a discussion forum for energy policy and economics based on interdisciplinary research in engineering, economics and policy
  • Improvement of information exchange between universities, institutes, the industry and the government regarding new knowledge in the field
  • Improvement of the communication and understanding of energy economics for the public
  • Support of the scientific activities in the area of energy economics
  • Courses for specialists in the field of energy economics
  • Maintenance of the international exchange of ideas and experiences in energy economics, especially with the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), and their other chapters

This page has been updated following the elections at the General Assembly on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Board Members

Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna

ETH Zürich

Professur für Energiesystemanalyse
CLT B 13
Clausiusstrasse 33
8092 Zürich


Vice President
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Madlener

E.ON Energy Research Center, FCN /
School of Business and Economics
RWTH Aachen University
Matthieustrasse 10
52074 Aachen
Research Affiliate of CEPE


Board Member
Professor Dr. Regina Betz

ZHAW Center for Energy and the Environment
Gertrudstrasse 8
8401 Winterthur


Board Member
Dr. Mirjam Kosch

Kanton Zürich Baudirektion Amt Für Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft
Walcheplatz 2
8090 Zürich


Board Member
Professor Dr. Philippe Thalmann

BP 2137 (Bâtiment BP)
Station 16
1015 Lausanne


Board Member
Dr. Céline Ramseier

Intep | Integrale Planung GmbH

Pfingstweidstrasse 16
8005 Zürich


Board Member
Fabian Bilger

Avenergy Suisse
Spitalgasse 5
CH-8001 Zürich


Board Member
Dr. Boris Krey

Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie VSG
Grütlistrasse 44
8002 Zürich


Board Member
Professor Dr. Bjarne Steffen

ETH Zürich
Klimafinanzierung und -​politik
Clausiusstrasse 37
8092 Zürich


Student Chapter Representative on the Board
Febin Kachirayil

ETH Zürich
Professur für Energiesystemanalyse
CLT C 14
Clausiusstrasse 33
8092 Zürich